
Artist off the 'comic' comedy New Year comedy about the last resting place

 The director of the New Year comedy series, Pham Dong Hong, died at the age of 63 due to a stroke.  The sudden departure of his family, friends, colleagues choked mourn. In the afternoon of 18/9, the artist came to Dong Hong to return to the resting place.  Singer Trong Xun has had the opportunity to co-direct the two projects DVD  Team  and  North Kinh Love Story  (2008).  Trong Tan shared the most memorable memory of Dong Hong as a whole month rolled across Northern Central burns for the best scenes.  He felt sorry, regret not having the opportunity to meet again the passionate director to review the anniversary 10 years ago.  NSN Quoc Anh red eyes when recalling memories with colleagues close.  Quoc Anh is involved in a lot of jokes, the director's comedy late.  He lost, shocked when the news that Pham Dong Hong died because he was healthy before, not sick. 

We Tried To Contour Our Eyebrows And Here's What Happened

Ah, eyebrows. They're one of those things that, despite changing beauty trends, everyone has a preference for. Tap to play GIF Tap to play GIF Share On Facebook Share On Facebook Share On Pinterest Share On Pinterest Share On Email Share On Email Share On Copy Share On Copy Disney Share On Facebook Share On Facebook Share Share On Pinterest Share On Pinterest Share On Pinterest Share On Pinterest Pin And while the thin brow reigned in the '00s, nowadays we're all about that volume and thickness. Tap to play GIF Tap to play GIF Share On Facebook Share On Facebook Share On Pinterest Share On Pinterest Share On Email ...

高速公路34,500亿连接岘港 - 广义

岘港 - 广义 高速公路完工前的岘港 - 广义高速公路将缩短至90分钟,而不是在完工前3小时。 陈文谭先生,在开发投资公司越南高速公路(VEC)的总经理,在2/9单位表示,与人民委员会协调 岘港 ,广南和 广义省 仪式交通工程高速项目Da Nang - Quang Ngai。 该项目总投资(第一阶段)超过34,500亿。 其中,投资者从外国资本借入超过28万亿韩元,剩余资金来自国家预算。 岘港 - 广义高速公路总长近140公里,由标准高速公路A设计,有4车道和2个应急车道(1期)。 完成后,高速将有助于减少通过岘港,广南和广义的1号国道的交通压力。 “谭说。 据此,从1号高速公路到岘港到广义的旅行方式需要3个小时,但高速公路只需要90分钟。 VEC还向高速岘港 - 广宁的车辆所有者发出服务费通知,最低级别为20,000越南/车辆,最高为790,000越南盾。 最近,公众关注,因为该项目的质量不受设计保证。 8月初,Nguyen Van先生,运输和旅游部长也在高速公路上的许多地方“行李车,不能顺利运行”。 谭先生说,塑料地毯承包商的位置不是质量保证。 到目前为止,质量保证工作,合格的技术车辆。 到9月2日,投资者只能使用主车。 果园的一部分和该项目的其他工作尚未完成建设。 特别是,有大约85公里的高速安全走廊。 VEC总干事承诺,到10月底,承包商将完成建筑工程。 谭先生说,在担心100%未完工项目的建设并投入运营之前,存在交通事故的潜在危险,“我们保证,当这个项目投入使用时,它将是安全的。事故可能发生,但很少发生。 放大 关于费用,谭先生说,业主提供的价格符合法律规定,每5年调整一次投资者。 “从9月2日开始,这辆高速车的所有车主将不得不支付费用,”谭说。


Uniben正在实施一项计划,支持农民实施VietGap并生产安全的蔬菜,旨在开发清洁原料,质量保证和食品卫生。 为了确保输入的材料为面制品3区质量更加积极主动,有利于提高企业对农民的生产效率,Uniben正在制订和实施计划,以支持实现模型根据VietGap标准安全蔬菜生产。 该项目将由农业推广中心和农业经济咨询和支持中心的工程师和专家进行咨询和协助。 同时,该公司将签订长期采购合同,创造条件,支持稳定产出,帮助农民消费产品。 该计划已在胡志明市的Dong Thap,Vinh Long和辣椒的玉米种植户进行试点。 然后,该计划预计将与Tien Giang和Tay Ninh的其他辣椒种植者一起扩大,在河内,海阳,河江,老街,Soc Trang,龙安和东奈的蘑菇种植,头顿...... 农民Le Thanh Mai指示农民Nguyen Van Be(Dong Thap)在VietGap模型中种植香菜。 严格评估后,选择Uniben蔬菜供应户,养殖场将是农业工程师和专家指导和监督生产标准VietGap组织。 具体而言,家庭将接受安全蔬菜生产过程,技术援助,农药使用知识共享以及蔬菜生产中禁用活性成分清单的培训。 此外,专家还帮助农民控制生产和收获前的质量,以及REDGap认证的指导和支持程序。 参与该计划的农民之一Nguyen Van Be先生(东台省Chau Thanh区Tan Binh公社)分享说:“在与公司签订合同购买产品后,我必须培养更负责任,更负责任。 必要时,注意,施肥和喷洒农药必须符合公司原则和VietGap要求。 公司邀请技术人员支持模型,并签订购买产品的合同,让我们感到非常舒服。 胡志明市农业推广中心农业工程师Le Thanh Mai女士评估说:“Uniben要求并支持公司实施清洁蔬菜生产模式的产品供应商VietGap将有助于在一开始就控制产品质量,确保消费者的食品安全和卫生。 同时,这将有助于环境保护,提高农民的意识和稳定产量,提高生产效率。“ 放大 Farmer Bui Thi Ngoc Suong(HCMC)在农业工程师的指导下,在V​​ietGap模式下种植辣椒。 该计划的另一位家庭参与者Bui Thi Ngoc Suong(Nhuan Duc,Cu Chi,HCMC)说:“我的家人全面实施了工程师的流...

GoFundMe Said It Is "Committed" To Ensuring A Homeless Man Gets All The Money Raised For Him

Elizabeth Robertson / AP GoFundMe says it is committing to giving homeless man Johnny Bobbitt the full amount of money that was raised for him, after the funds were allegedly mishandled. A spokesperson for the crowdfunding website told BuzzFeed News that the company will ensure Bobbitt will get the remainder of the more than $400,000 raised for him by well-meaning strangers that he hasn't received. "Johnny will be made whole and we’re committing that he’ll get the balance of the funds that he has not yet received or benefitted from," the spokesperson said. "GoFundMe’s goal has always been to ensure Johnny gets support he deserves." The statement came amid news that police have searched the home of Kate McClure and Mark D'Amico, the couple behind  the GoFundMe campaign  who have been accused of squandering the money. The warrant was executed Thursday at the couple's New Jersey home. McClure and Mark D'Amico appeared to be home durin...
