The director of the New Year comedy series, Pham Dong Hong, died at the age of 63 due to a stroke. The sudden departure of his family, friends, colleagues choked mourn. In the afternoon of 18/9, the artist came to Dong Hong to return to the resting place. Singer Trong Xun has had the opportunity to co-direct the two projects DVD Team and North Kinh Love Story (2008). Trong Tan shared the most memorable memory of Dong Hong as a whole month rolled across Northern Central burns for the best scenes. He felt sorry, regret not having the opportunity to meet again the passionate director to review the anniversary 10 years ago. NSN Quoc Anh red eyes when recalling memories with colleagues close. Quoc Anh is involved in a lot of jokes, the director's comedy late. He lost, shocked when the news that Pham Dong Hong died because he was healthy before, not sick.